Southern Slice of Life
Fairhope, Mobile Bay. Pier destroyed by Katrina 3 weeks after this image was shot.
Our Story:
As freshman at the West Virginia Institute of Technology, our English 101 professor assigned student seating alphabetically to improve her student name memory retention. Barnhart fell in behind Ayers. The rest is serendipity.
Why "Slice of Life" ?
This site is our homage to the sublime and under appreciated moments of everyday life, with focus on own images ionic to the South and our clan, past and present. Our blog, SSOL, contains articles, pictures
and commentary on history, culture, the Arts, politics and people.
Hello! How in the world did you get here? After the deaths of my brother and our son, the desire to document family legacy took urgency. The "Bookkeeper's Son" is my project to preserve the remarkable story of my father and mother.
This site is under construction. The framework is up, but content is continuously added. Praise to my wife, who can see the forest, when I can see only trees.
Our Son 9/29/85 - 10/3/22

Some of Our Favorite Links
Windsor Plantation Ruins, Utica Mississippi
Hillbilly boy meets Girl Raised in the South.

Little River Canyon, 2012

Kitchen, Present Day

Bellingrath Gardens, 1974
You can follow us on Twitter, at the link.
Our daughter works in the aviation industry and has a site devoted to private and commercial aircraft photography. Look for BlueKami in the links above, or click on the iconic image.